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For general questions, whether you're a student or an organization, contact Sam King.

Code the Change maintains email lists for staying in touch with the community. Our lists are run through Google Groups. To sign up, follow the link below, click on the blue "Sign In" button and log in to your Google account, then click on the blue "Join Group" button when you are redirected back to the group page. If you want to get emails, make sure that you select the option to get emails delivered when signing up!


If you are a student interested in joining Code the Change, sign up for this list. We use it to announce our weekly meetings, projects, and speakers.


This list announces jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities in CS and social change.


If you are a social sector organization interested in having students work on your projects, sign up for this list to hear about opportunities and deadlines. To begin a project, you can also email us directly.